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Medical Nursing Beds Series SD-YHC

SD-YHC101 Multi-function electric nursing bed

■Height positioning range:500-1000mm
■Back section:0-75°
■Thigh section: 0-45°
■Trendelenburg/Anti-Trendelenburg: 0-10°
■Detachable PP head and foot board, PP side rail can move with lying surface simultaneously, LINAK electrical motor, CPR: quick lowering of the back section for reanimation system, nurse controller , side rail controller, diameter of centrally silent castor is 125mm, safe workload 250kg.
■Optional: Angle Scale, weighing system


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Huiquan East Road, Shizhong district, Zaozhuang City, Shandong province, China
CopyRight @ShanDong Sundur Tel: 86-632-3466988 Fax: 86-632-3467988